Tenera was hired to provide detailed repair specifications for addressing water leakage into a shop located on King St. W in Hamilton, ON. The leakage stemmed from an improper slope of the concrete slab at the entrance, which caused water to flow toward the shop rather than away from it. When exterior surfaces have an inadequate or inverted slope, it results in poor drainage, with water accumulating near doorways and increasing the risk of infiltration. The goal of the repair was to correct this slope issue and establish proper water drainage, ensuring the long-term protection of the property.
Repair Method
The first step in the repair process involved removing the existing tile covering the entryway to expose the concrete slab beneath. The removal was necessary not only to access the structural surface but also to ensure a precise slope adjustment without interference from the existing finish. Once the tiles were cleared, grinding was performed on the concrete slab to smooth the surface and eliminate any irregularities. This created an optimal substrate for the patch application.
A continuous concrete patch was then installed to correct the slope, ensuring that water would drain away from the entrance and toward the street. The patch had to vary in thickness to create the appropriate gradient, a task made possible by the use of advanced industrial-grade materials that maintain their strength even when applied in variable layers. The flexibility of these materials is crucial when correcting slopes, as they allow for a smooth and durable transition from the thickest to the thinnest points of the patch.
After the slope was corrected and the patch applied, the entrance was coated with a waterproofing material to further prevent any future water ingress. This final step provided a strong barrier against moisture, sealing the surface and ensuring that the newly created slope would effectively direct water away from the shop. By employing high-performance materials and precise methods, the repair not only addressed the immediate leakage issue but also offered long-lasting protection against future water damage.
Benefits of This Repair Application
The repair method employed for this project offers several key benefits. By removing the existing tiles and addressing the underlying concrete slab, the root cause of the water leakage—an improper slope—was effectively resolved. Correcting the slope ensures that water flows away from the entrance rather than pooling near the door, which is critical in preventing further water ingress into the shop. The use of high-quality, industrial-grade materials for the concrete patch ensures that the repair can accommodate varying thickness without compromising the structural integrity of the surface. This flexibility allows for a precise adjustment of the slope, providing a seamless and durable solution. Furthermore, the application of a waterproofing coating not only reinforces the protection against future water damage but also enhances the longevity of the repair by creating a robust barrier. This method minimizes the need for future maintenance and provides a cost-effective, long-term solution to water management issues at the entrance.
Learn more about our wide range of repair solutions for parking garages by visiting this page: https://www.tenerapro.com/repair-methods
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